What is a structured product ?
Benefit from a return linked to the performance of an underlying asset
Provide a guarantee or protection of the capital invested at maturity
An investment horizon
Capital protection up to a predetermined threshold
A detailed repayment plan
Against a risk of capital loss
A known return target
Supervised and regulated products
Why invest in structured products?
- As an alternative to traditional financial investments, structured products are an innovative solution for diversifying your portfolio and providing additional protection to your portfolio according to market conditions, particularly during high volatility periods
- These products are defined within a contractual performance framework in order to meet specific and tailored investment objectives adapted to your investor profile, both in terms of return and capital protection
- Optimising the risk/return trade-off of the investment:
- Product parameters known in advance (term, target return, level of protection, redemption mechanism, etc.)
- Full or partial capital protection depending on the product.